
Humble Bundle将转型做游戏发行

Humble Bundle不再仅仅售卖游戏了,它将开始游戏发行业务。

Humble Bundle不再仅仅售卖游戏了,它将开始游戏发行业务。

公司将打造一个综合性平台,进行游戏发行和众筹的业务。Humble Bundle将先从7款游戏开始,包括3D平台游戏《A hat in Time》和农场游戏《Staxel》。


《A Hat in Time》 PC版 《HackyZack》 PC版和Xbox One版

《Ikenfell》PC版 《键盘运动》PC版 《No Truce With the Furies》PC版

《蔑视》PC版 《Stacel》PC版

Humble Bundle发行主管John Polson在一份声明中说道,“自从Humbel于2010年推出后,我们通过自己的产品赢得了超过一千万消费者的信任。在一段时间内想要为游戏找到观众是非常难得,我们认为发行游戏似乎是我们为游戏开发合作伙伴在下一个阶段所能提供的合理服务。”

Humble Bundle将找寻更多游戏提供发行。

The full list of games are:

  • A Hat in Time for PC
  • HackyZack for PC and Xbox One
  • Ikenfell for PC
  • Keyboard Sports for PC
  • No Truce With the Furies for PC
  • Scorn for PC
  • Staxel for PC

"Since Humble's launch in 2010, we have earned the trust of over 10 million customers across our products," said Humble Bundle publishing lead John Polson in a statement. "In a time when it's harder than ever for games to find their audience, publishing feels like the next logical step in the services that we can offer to our developer partners."

During GDC, Humble Bundle will look for more games to publish.

Evan Campbell is a freelance writer who scripts the Daily Fix, streams games on his Twitch channel, and chats about movies and TV series on Twitter.

